In Mick Mooney’s article titled “A Greater Peace within all You Don’t Know”,
he says:
further away you travel from religion and the know-it-all mindset you inherit
with it, the more freedom you find in asking questions about your faith. You no
longer feel obligated to pledge undivided allegiance to your doctrines. You
become pleased to put them on trial, to examine then, and to discard them if
they are found to be without substance."
A resounding YES for those thoughts!! At the present time, I am experiencing another
level of this phenomenon.
I am asking harder questions.
I am reexamining and rethinking my beliefs
and why I hold them.
I am shouting a loud “Hooray!” for
being free from the pressing weight of pledging any allegiance to the doctrines of organized religion!
There is marvelous freedom in walking away
from religion and its inescapable delusion that any particular belief system
has God all figured out and has all the answers
about Him or humanity.
I am at peace not having all the answers.
My allegiance is to God, love, and grace.
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Yes. How beautifully you put that. Thank you.