A year ago, a new friend told me about the book The Empath’s Survival Guide by Judith Orloff, MD. I glanced at the book at the
time but was too busy to dig into it.
Fast forward a year, after having spent it all in heavy duty yoga teacher training, and I was in much need of some me time, self-introspection, soul renewal
and personal in-depth growth. Something
I saw or read a few weeks ago triggered my memory of the book, and I was ready
to delve deeper.
I chuckled at myself taking the questionnaire in the book because
I already knew the answer. But of
course, it doesn’t hurt to confirm it with a questionnaire, right?!
Yes, the questionnaire shows me as a full blown introverted empath.
I’m not sure at what point in my life I was able to put the
word “empath” to my emotional and relational characteristics. It’s only been in the past 3-4 years that I
have understood the power (pleasant and unpleasant) this personal characteristic
has had over me, my life, and my well-being.