Part 6 – The Greek Word Tartaroo
Prior parts to this series
about hell are as follows:
As I previously stated in
Part 3 of this Myth of Hell series, mankind’s present is enormously influenced
by the past and by other cultures.
Christianity’s modern ideas of hell have mostly come from Greek and
Roman mythology, the poetic (and fictional) writing of Dante Alighieri’s
(1265-1321) Inferno, and from ancient church leaders of Roman Catholicism and
so called “church fathers” who had the wrong perception of God’s character,
held an unhealthy fear of God, and/or wanted to have power and control over
In this Part 6, I will explain about the Greek word tartaroo. Tartaroo is the verb stemming from the noun Tartarus. Tartaroo means "to cast down to Tartarus". The verb is used only ONCE in the entire Bible in 2 Peter 2:4. That one verse says: