"The true church is not an organization controlled by the rules of men but a holy collection of living stones with Jesus Christ as the Cornerstone."
(Brother Yun, The Heavenly Man)

Ekklesia is the Greek word which in modern Bibles is commonly translated as “church”. Ekklesia literally means “out-called”. It refers to a called out group of people for a particular reason or purpose. Ekklesia (church) was never meant to indicate a building; the word speaks of a people.

The following links offer information on the concept of home church.

Three of my personal articles posted on this site:

Other authors' sites and articles:


  1. Hi, Mary Anne.

    You have a great blog. I recently authored a book called The Calvinist Universalist, and created a blog by the same name to promote it. I'm reaching out to like-minded bloggers in an effort to drive some traffic my way. I hope you will check out my blog. If you like it, please consider adding it to your blog roll.. Thank you.

    Steve C.

    1. Steve, can you provide the link to your blog? Thanks!


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