Thursday, May 22, 2008

Celebrating Life at 40

Happy Birthday to me! I am forty years old today. I can’t help but wonder, “Where did all the time go?” What seems like not very long ago, I was just a teenager trying to live a bit on the wild side and making plans about what I was going to do when I grew up.

Well, age-wise and responsibility-wise I have grown up now. I am still growing character-wise and spiritually; it’s a continuous process. For this post on my birthday, I wanted to CELEBRATE the life that God has granted me and to CELEBRATE His unrelenting and faithful hand on my life.

On this May 22, 2008, I CELEBRATE and THANK
my great God, YHWH, and my Lord, JESUS CHRIST for:

Granting me breath and life 40 years ago

My Spanish heritage


My mother’s care and protection during her complications after my birth

Faithful parents to each other and to me who took great care of me

Not allowing me to drown in a pool as a little girl when I was trying to save someone else

The dear, older sisters I grew up with

Saving me from the destructiveness of self-consumed/selfish living

All the life lessons—great, good, bad, and terribly difficult—that have played their part in Him growing me up to be who I am today

The man chosen especially to be my very faithful and loving husband for the last 21 years

Being the Super Glue in our enduring marriage

Such boundless and graceful forgiveness and mercy for all the many wrongs I’ve done over the last 40 years

His wisdom and understanding

Three beautiful and precious children born out of my womb...I did not deserve them but was so graciously given the privilege, responsibility, and blessing of being their mom and teacher

The multitude of lessons learned in motherhood

All the hugs, kisses, love, and precious memories shared with my husband and my children

Relationships—all kinds ;o)

The healing of a many times broken heart; each time taking its pieces and putting them back together again stronger than before and more in the image of His own

The ability to gracefully forgive others

Life-long and faithful friends

Music and dark chocolate

House, vehicles, and so many material comforts and abundance

Animals—especially my sweet doggie children

Re-directing my faltering or confused steps countless times

Picking me up and moving me on when I didn’t have my own strength to do so

His voice whispered in my ear

The gifts of reading, writing, singing, compassion, and a tender heart

Making Himself known to me

His light in the darkness

Teaching and correction

Not leaving me to be the person that I used to be

Allowing me to have breath, life, and togetherness with my family on this very day

His unconditional love poured over me and it overflowing unto others

My life being a platform for His glory

Being my Rock, my Fortress, my Deliverer, my Strength, my Refuge, my Hope

Making me the woman that I am today

For all of that and SO much more…I am beyond grateful and thankful. For all of that and SO much more…I have given my life and heart to my God and my Lord. For all that and SO much more I CELEBRATE my life at 40!

Rejoicing and celebrating in His arms!

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