Wednesday, January 16, 2008


“Be rejoicing in the Lord always! Again, I will declare, be rejoicing! Let your lenience be known to all men: the Lord is near. Do not worry about ANYthing, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God, and the peace of God, that is superior to EVERY frame of mind, shall be garrisoning your hearts and your apprehensions in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:4-7)

As my life takes many sudden and unexpected turns early in this new 2008 year, I stand in amazement and complete awe of God’s all-surpassing peace. I CAN rejoice in Him because He has done a MIGHTY work with me in the last few years so that at this moment I can be quiet and still with Him, know He is God of my entire life and over all my circumstances, and enjoy HIS peace reigning supreme over me.

EVERY frame of mind
EVERY fear faced
EVERY emotion of the heart
EVERY loss we face
EVERY doubt conceived
EVERY trial we go through
EVERY pain of our heart
EVERY rejection endured
EVERY attack on our character
EVERY pain in our body
EVERY circumstance of life

GOD’s peace IS SUPERIOR!!!

I am MORE than grateful to Him for all the trials, the sufferings, and the lessons that He has taken me through that have prepared me for this very day. Without them I could not stand strong with His peace as a fortress over my heart, mind, and soul and with the confidence that His hand is over me and over all.

Praises be to the mighty YHWH and also to my Lord Jesus Christ!!!!!

For HIS praise, in HIS strength, and for HIS glory…

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