Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Glorious Grace Flowing Down

The second theme song God has given for this time has come to have a very special meaning. Like “Footprints in the Sand”, I have known this song for some time and have even previously posted it on this blog before. But right now, this song has taken on a much deeper meaning. And through current circumstances and this song, God has brought me to a whole new level of appreciation and understanding of His amazing, boundless grace that covers us through Christ Jesus.

For Christ, while we are still infirm, still in accord with the era, for the sake of the irreverent, died. For hardly for the sake of a just man will anyone be dying: for, for the sake of a good man, perhaps someone may even be daring to die, yet God is commending this love of His to us, seeing that, while we are still sinners, Christ died for our sakes. Much rather, then, being now justified in His blood, we shall be saved from indignation, through Him. For if, being enemies, we were conciliated to God through the death of His Son, much rather, being conciliated, we shall be saved in His life.” (Romans 5:6-10)

Christ died for us while we were still all messed up. He didn’t wait for the world and all mankind to get our act together and then decide we were worth dying for. No, to Him, we were worth dying for while we were all messed up; it was because we were messed up! He died for all the offenses we have committed, are currently committing, and will commit in the future against each other and against Him. And through Christ’s sacrifice, God’s amazing, boundless, and overwhelming grace has poured over all of us. What an incredible treasure this is!!

When I look back at my past, feeling regret and sorrow over certain things that happened or that I did, I can find comforting peace in the truth that His grace has poured over all of that and covered it completely. Oh, glory, glory to the great YHWH and His beautiful Son, Jesus Christ.

Amazing Grace
How sweet the sound
Amazing Love
Now flowing down
From hands and feet
That were nailed to the tree
His Grace flows down and covers me
It covers me….

Being comforted by His glorious grace…

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